Why a focus group?
We have been tasked with obtaining information about the current problem of special leave in the context of the Master of Arts in Research Consultation (MARC) programme. The MARC programme consists of a classroom-based learning programme that addresses the needs of the HPSCA for the training of registered research psychologists and stipulates certain requirements in terms of activities completed and hours presented in the classroom.
In the context of this study, management refers to Lecturers Programme Coordinators and admin staff directly responsible for the MARC programme and students refers to the registered participants of the MARC course.
The management of the MARC programme have not been able to enforce a consistent policy applied to special leave, causing problems in some cases, in attaining HPSCA requirements and in other cases causing discontent because of the inconsistent application of the policy.
In order to formulate an equitable policy that addresses both the needs of management and the needs of the students, it is felt that two focus groups should be undertaken namely that of students and that of management.
The student focus group will consist of current MARC students. By undertaking a focus group among cohorts who know each other well, discussion will be encouraged, and issues and opinions may come to light that would not be discovered through other means such as a questionnaire or individual interviews.
The management focus group provides a different perspective to the situation of the MARC programme and brings with it an added expertise on legal requirements for the MARC programme. It is not envisaged to combine the two focus groups as this could hinder free expression, particularly on the part of the students.